Canal Zone Study Group Publications
Hardcopy Back issues of the CZSG Canal Zone Philatelist Journals
1. CZSG Philatelic Notes (Whole Nos. 1-5) $ 3.00 Each2. The Canal Zone Philatelist (Whole Nos. 6 to most recent issue) $1.25 Each
CZSG SP (1986) - Canal Zone Stamps by Plass, Brewster & Salz - hardcover with 681 illustrations $65.00 (364 total pages) Out of Print and no longer available through the CZSG>
Replaced by SP Official Reprint coil bound softcover with color plates of basic Canal Zone stamps. Includes updated 2016 checklist of Canal Zone stamps & postal stationery, and map & list of Canal Zone Post Offices (367 total pages) $50.00 plus $5.00 in shipping
CZSG SP (2001) - "The Panama Canal Story" by Ireson a CD of a philatelic exhibit ($10) - No longer available
CZSG HB No. 1, (1953) "Canal Zone Third Series Counterfeits" by DeVoss and "A Canal Zone Rarity (Scott No. 40a)" by Conger (22 total pages) $3.00
CZSG HB No. 2, (1953) "Canal Zone Booklets" by DeVoss and "A Unique Canal Zone Error (Scott No. 31a)" by Conger (22 total pages) $3.00
CZSG HB No. 3, (1955) "Canal Zone First Issue on Cover" by Weiler and "Canal Zone Essays and Proofs" by Brett (27 total pages) $3.00
CZSG HB No. 4, (1976) "Type III Mount Hope Local Overprints (Scott Nos. 46-48)" by Philler and "The Hamilton Bank Note Issue of 1906-07" by DeVoss and "The 3c Stuart Washington" by Milburn (27 total pages) $3.00
CZSG HB No. 5, (1982) "The Postal Markings of the Canal Zone" by Entwistle and (1984 and 1987) Supplements Out of Print and replaced by HB No. 9
CZSG HB No. 6, (1987) "Catalogue of Cristobal Precancels - including SRC dated" by Entwistle (8 total pages) $2.00
CZSG HB No. 7, (1990) "U.S. Navy Slogan Cancels in the Canal Zone and Panama Area, 1908-1941" by Karrer & Wentworth (46 total pages) $4.00 Out of Print and replaced by Handbook 14
CZSG HB No. 8, (1991) "The U.S.S. Constitution Cachets and Cancellations of the 1932 and 1934 Transits of the Panama Canal" by Wentworth & Karrer (45 total pages) $4.00
CZSG HB No. 9, (1992) "The Postal Markings of the Canal Zone, 2nd Edition" (328 total pages) with (1997) Addendum (8 total pages) by Entwistle $19.00
CZSG HB No. 10, (1995) "Canal Zone Post Office Openings and Closings - Commemorative Covers 1927-1979" by Karrer (87 total pages) $7.00
CZSG HB No. 11, (1997) "Philatelic Announcement Cards of the Canal Zone Postal Service" by Finder (42 total pages) $4.00
CZSG HB No. 12, (1997) "Canal Zone Siderography" by Moore (30 total pages) $4.00
CZSG HB No. 13, (1999) "SRC Control-Dated Canal Zone Stamps" by Craig (26 total pages) $4.00
CZSG HB No. 14, (2002) "U.S. Navy Slogan Cancels in the Canal Zone and Panama Area, 1908-1948", 2nd Edition by Karrer (106 total pages) $8.00
CZSG HB No. 15, (2008) "Type III Overprint Issues of the Canal Zone" by Brougham (42 total pages) $10.00
CZSG HB No. 16, (2018) "Canal Zone Airmail Rates" by Brougham and Bradley, (86 total pages) $25.00
Most of the above publications are available from:
Len Nadybal, CZSG Publication Office
P.O. Box 16646,
Washington, DC 20041
Related to the above publications which is
Canal Zone Postal Stationery (2009) Edited by Gibbs (63 total pages) $20 + $5 P&H